

序号 论文名称 期刊名称 发表时间 第一作者或通讯作者/责任作者
1 什么为众筹发起人带来了超额筹资?——基于羊群效应和粉丝经济视角的研究 经济学(季刊) 2019 方兴
2 数字经济参与增进了农民社会阶层认同吗?——基于宁、渝、川三省份调查数据的实证 中国农村经济 2022 彭艳玲
3 市场准入管制与企业全要素生产率: 来自负面清单的证据 世界经济 2023 张宽
4 政企合谋下的策略减排困境—来自工业废气层面的度量考察 中国人口·资源与环境 2015 李后建
5 林农有参与林业碳汇项目的意愿吗:以CDM林业碳汇试点项目为例 农业技术经济 2015 明辉
6 政策不确定性、银行授信与企业研发投入 宏观经济研究 2016 郭华
7 基于PLS回归的农业上市公司融资结构对经营绩效的影响研究 农业技术经济 2015 臧敦刚
8 公共服务、村庄民主与幸福感 农业经济问题 2016 臧敦刚
9 农村民间金融与正规金融合作模式选择的实证研究 宏观经济研究 2016 宋坤
10 气象灾害对贫困地区农户脆弱性影响研究——基于全国592个贫困县53271户的分析 农业技术经济 2016 杨浩
11 法制环境、信贷配给与企业研发投入 宏观经济研究 2016 郭华
12 农村土地经营权抵押、流动性约束与农户差异性创业选择研究——基于陕、甘、豫、鲁1465份入户调查的实证分析 农业技术经济 2016 彭艳玲
13 扶贫视域下的森林碳汇研究综述 农业经济问题 2017 曾维忠
14 金融投机、实需与国际大宗商品价格——信息摩擦视角下的大宗商品价格影响机制研究 金融研究 2018 刘璐
15 能源节约行为影响因素的实证研究 宏观经济研究 2017 郭华
16 我国省际政府支出乘数有差异性吗 经济理论与经济管理 2017 林桐
17 家庭的嵌入对贫困地区农民创业绩效的影响-基于拼凑理论的实证检验 农业技术经济 2018 李后建
18 技术与农户普惠金融 农业技术经济 2018 蒋远胜
19 农业技术进步、农村劳动力转移与农民收入——基于农业劳动生产率的分组PVAR模型分析 农业技术经济 2017 沈倩岭
20 农户家庭收入流动水平的结构差异及其影响因素分析——基于“远亲”与“近邻”的视角 经济理论与经济管理 2016 申云
21 农业科技采纳对中国农村收入及分配效应的影响 宏观经济研究 2018 郭华
22 山地民族地区城镇化的非均衡性与时空分异研究(层次) 农业技术经济 2016 李杰
23 收入质量及其对农户创业决策的影响研究——基于鲁、豫、陕、甘四省1373份农户调查数据 农业技术经济 2019 彭艳玲
24 碳汇造林项目促进了当地经济发展吗?——基于四川县域面板数据的PSM-DID实证研究 中国人口·资源与环境 2020 曾维忠
25 四省藏区多维贫困空间分异及基层能力建设 经济地理 2020 曾维忠
26 数字金融发展影响农村居民消费的地区差异研究 农业技术经济 2000 郭华
27 中国绿色农业发展:生产水平测度、空间差异及收敛性分析 农业技术经济 2000 漆雁斌
28 人穷志短: 农村贫困与志向失灵 农业技术经济 2000 曾维忠
29 绿色防控技术对稻农经济收益的影响及其作用机制 中国人口·资源与环境 2021 李后建
30 中国与“一带一路”国家农产品价格关联性研究——兼论中美贸易摩擦的影响 农业经济问题 2021 刘璐
31 农地经营权抵押贷款银担协作效应及模式选择——基于风险分担的视角 农业技术经济 2021 宋坤
32 农民数字素养、乡村精英身份与乡村数字治理参与 农业技术经济 2022 彭艳玲
33 我国制造业企业国内价值链 嵌入度的测算与事实 统计研究 2021 李后建
34 安置区空间重构对农户社区融入的影响及其效应 中国人口·资源与环境 2022 申云
35 金融化作用下国际农产品价格异动对中国农产品价格的影响——基于非线性视角的分析 农业经济问题 2022 刘璐
36 村社集体经济共同体与农民农村共同富裕——基于成都崇州市的实践考察 农业经济问题 2022 申云
37 中国人力资本结构的时空演变特征研究 数量经济技术经济研究 2000 张宽
38 白银流动与明清经济:一个全球视角的文献评述 金融研究 2023 郭华
39 如何破解乡村振兴的内外联动而“内”不动——基于成都市蒲江县箭塔村的实践考察 农业经济问题 2023 杨锦秀
40 Digital agriculture for sustainable development in China The promise of computerization TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2024 蒋远胜
41 How does fintech affect energy transition: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2023 李后建
42 Can digitalization facilitate low carbon lifestyle? --Evidence from households’ embedded emissions in China TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2024 李佳珈
43 Thomas Glauben. Who benefits from payments for ecosystem services? Policy lessons from a forest carbon sink program in China Ecological Economics 2023 曾维忠
44 Influence of rural households’ livelihood capital on income derived from participation in the Forest Carbon Sequestration Project: A case from the Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces of China INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW 2018 曾维忠
45 自发性“农迁农”的经济效应及引发的管理问题分析 农村经济 2015 郭华
46 中国对美国农产品贸易关系的持续时间分析 经济问题探索 2015 漆雁斌
47 村镇银行支农绩效评价研究:基于四川9家样本 农村经济 2015 刘艳
48 腐败与企业创新:润滑剂抑或绊脚石 南开经济研究 2015 李后建
49 西南地区农村劳动力转移对农业生产影响研究 农村经济 2015 杨锦秀
50 银行信贷、所有权性质与企业创新 科学学研究 2015 李后建
51 impact of household endowments on resopnse capacity of farming households to natural disasters INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK 2015 张海霞
52 我国出口食品安全问题博弈分析及政策建议 学术论坛 2015 漆雁斌
53 养殖户安全饲料采用意愿及其影响因素分析 农村经济 2015 漆雁斌
54 四川民族贫困地区公益性农业技术推广运行机制优化研究 科技管理研究 2015 庄天慧
55 贫困地区社会资本对农户新技术采纳意愿的影响分析 农村经济 2015 庄天慧
56 企业边界扩张与研发投入 科学学研究 2015 李后建
57 Under regional characteristics of rural China: a clearer view on the performance of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme International Journal of Health Economics and Management 2015 刘丹
58 Patient dissatisfaction in China: What matters Social Science & Medicine 2015 刘丹
59 基于CHFS的家庭创业与信贷约束实证研究 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2015 刘艳
60 官员特征、激励错配与政府规制行为扭曲-来自中国城市拉闸限电的实证分析 公共行政评论 2015 李后建
61 管理层风险激励模式、异质性与企业创新行为 研究与发展管理 2015 李后建
62 碳排放约束下中国能源效率及其全要素生产率研究 农村经济 2015 漆雁斌
63 公平与效率——间断性动态分析框架 学术论坛 2015 何应期
64 涉农企业资本占优分配方式的公平特征 农村经济 2015 何应期
65 中国对外援助的贸易成本削减效应研究 世界经济研究 2015 朱丹丹
66 家户制、村落保护主义与农业现代化发展(层次) 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2015 申云
67 少数民族贫困测量:理论和实践 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2015 杨浩
68 四川藏区农牧民收入水平、结构及差距研究 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2016 庄天慧
69 精准扶贫主体行为逻辑与作用机制研究 广西民族研究 2015 庄天慧
70 基于R_Vine Copula 方法的上证行业指数相关性研究 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2015 张帮正
71 连片特困地区农业科技服务减贫成效影响因素分析 科技管理研究 2015 庄天慧
72 四川藏区县域经济社会发展评价研究 贵州民族研究 2015 庄天慧
73 基于希克斯分析法的中国森林碳汇造林生态补偿 科技管理研究 2016 杨浩
74 森林碳汇扶贫:理论探讨与现实思考 农村经济 2016 曾维忠
75 官员更替、寻租行为与企业联盟研发投入 产业经济研究 2016 李后建
76 政治关联、地理邻近性与企业联盟研发投入 经济评论 2016 李后建
77 官员更替、政府管制与企业贿赂 公共行政评论 2016 李后建
78 论农村合作经济的农机保险模式选择 农村经济 2015 谭静
79 中国农村非正规金融和正规金融的合作模式 中南财经政法大学学报 2016 宋坤
80 气象灾害对中国特殊类型地区贫困的影响 资源科学 2016 杨浩
81 少数民族地区精准脱贫进程评价及对策研究 贵州民族研究 2016 杨浩
82 “大众俘获”视角下贫困地区脱贫帮扶精准度研究 农村经济 2016 杨浩
83 贫困村资金互助社发展的现状及创新实践 农村经济 2016 郭华
84 破解企业核心能力悖论:以企业家精神导向和市场导向的视角 华东经济管理 2016 臧敦刚
85 腐败、贿赂与企业垂直整合 中国经济问题 2016 李后建
86 农村精英森林碳汇项目组织意愿及其影响因素分析 科技管理研究 2016 曾维忠
87 基于空间计量模型的四川省财政支农支出和农民增收关系的实证研究 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2016 庄天慧
88 促进还是抑制?外出务工对农户家庭种植业生产的作用研究 统计与信息论坛 2016 明辉
89 国有企业MBO质疑:基于产权主体角度的批评 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2016 何应期
90 散养农户退出生猪养殖会改善家庭收入水平吗?——来自四川省543户农户的实证调研 农村经济 2016 邓鑫
91 精准扶贫内涵及其与精准脱贫的辩证关系探析 内蒙古社会科学 2016 庄天慧
92 链式融资模式与精准扶贫效果——基于准实验研究 财经研究 2016 申云
93 土地股份合作社的作用及其内部利益联结机制研究——以崇州“农业共营制”为例 上海经济研究 2016 申云
94 自然灾害冲击对农民创业行为的影响 中国人口科学 2016 李后建
95 收入差距、社会资本与幸福感的经验研究 公共管理学报 2016 申云
96 社会资本、二元金融与农户借贷行为 经济评论 2016 申云
97 Influence of Knowledge Transfer on SNS Community Cohesiveness Online Information Review 2016 康明惠
98 Understanding the Determinants Of Funders' Investment Intentions on Crowdfunding Platform: A Trust-based Perspective Industrial Management & Data Systems 2016 康明惠
99 少数民族特色村寨建设过程评价指标体系研究(层次) 广西民族研究 2016 李杰
100 精准匹配视角下驻村干部胜任力与贫困村脱贫成效研究 南京农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2016 庄天慧
101 贫困治理视域下小农集体行动的现实需求、困境与培育 农村经济 2016 庄天慧
102 藏区贫困农牧民参与旅游扶贫的意愿及行为研究 旅游学刊 2017 杨浩
103 新股发行制度改革:市场化,还是去市场化?——基于双边随机前沿与异质性随机前沿分析 商业经济与管理 2017 张剑
104 政治效能感、政治参与和家庭高风险投资决策——基于CGSS 2010的实证研究 当代经济科学 2017 张剑
105 中国农村金融创新的贫困瞄准机制评述 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2017 蒋远胜
106 分配结构与潜在效率:剩余索取权分割模型——基于剩余控制权与权威排序的设计 财经理论与实践 2017 何应期
107 企业创新对产能过剩的影响机制研究 产业经济研究 2017 李后建
108 信息通讯技术应用能缓解产能过剩吗 科学学研究 2017 李后建
109 水旱轮作模式和灌溉方式对西南地区水稻灌溉用水效率的影响 资源科学 2017 漆雁斌
110 农资补贴对化肥面源污染效应的实证研究 农村经济 2017 漆雁斌
111 基于时变参数模型的能源回弹效应研究 科技管理研究 2017 漆雁斌
112 信息通讯技术应用对企业创新的影响分析 软科学 2017 李后建
113 最低工资标准会倒逼企业创新吗? 经济科学 2017 李后建
114 最低工资标准如何影响企业产能过剩 当代经济科学 2017 李后建
115 城乡居民养老保险、流动意愿与二孩生育意愿 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2017 臧敦刚
116 青海藏区县域多维贫困测度与时空演进分析 统计与决策 2017 曾维忠
117 财政分权对政府支出乘数的影响:促进还是抑制 现代财经 2017 林桐
118 不同经济状态下政府支出乘数的差异性研究 财贸研究 2017 林桐
119 我国政府支出乘数是下降的吗 经济问题探索 2017 林桐
120 Airline Pricing, and High-speed Rail Substitution Evidence from the Chinese Market Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2017 韦锋
121 Optimal portfolio selection with maximal risk adjusted return Applied Economics Letters 2017 王跃
122 An Improved Unscented Kalman Filter for Discrete Nonlinear Systems with Random Parameters DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY 2017 王跃
123 农村实用人才培训效果及影响因素研究 农村经济 2017 杨锦秀
124 信息通信技术与普惠金融的交互作用 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2017 蒋远胜
125 Agri-food supply chain performance: an empirical impact of risk 《Management Decision》 2017 蒋远胜
126 精准扶贫的理论框架与实践逻辑解析——基于社会发展模型 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2017 庄天慧
127 我国农民工贫困问题研究综述 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2017 庄天慧
128 可持续生计视阈下县域多维贫困测度与时空演化研究 软科学 2017 庄天慧
129 农地流转预期价格的形成机理及其对实际转出价格的影响——基于成都经济区农户的实证分析 农村经济 2017 蒋远胜
130 基于扩展生产函数北京市能源消费与经济增长关系——Toda-Yamomoto因果检验和脱钩视角下的分析 系统工程 2017 漆雁斌
131 内部地理位置与国别出口强度:基于广义线性模型的微观企业研究 世界经济研究 2017 宋涛
132 社会经济地位、收入差距与健康水平——基于CFPS数据的经验证据 软科学 2017 申云
133 香烟社交、圈子文化与居民社会阶层认同 经济学动态 2017 申云
134 互联网与中国农村劳动力非农就业 财经科学 2017 马俊龙
135 外出务工、教育期望与子女学习成绩 教育与经济 2017 马俊龙
136 进口产品价格、出口产品价格与中国的进口产品价格波动(层次) 国际贸易问题 2017 王聪
137 中国服务贸易强国之路研究——理论内涵、现实问题及政策建议(层次) 国际贸易 2017 王聪
138 第三方互联网支付、货币流通速度与货币政策有效性—基于TVP-VAR模型的研究 经济问题探索 2017 方兴
139 中国对外援助能够促进受援国的贸易发展吗? ——基于非洲16个受援国面板数据的实证研究 广东社会科学 2017 朱丹丹
140 领投人能促进股权众筹项目成功吗? 中国经济问题 2017 方兴
141 互利共赢还是以邻为壑——“明星”众筹项目的外部性研究 财贸经济 2018 方兴
142 行业协会能够促进P2P网贷健康发展吗? 当代财经 2018 方兴
143 中国房地产限购政策能够有效抑制房价上涨吗?—基于70个大中城市的实证研究 财经科学 2018 方兴
144 金融业市场化与民营企业出口(层次) 世界经济研究 2018 王聪
145 生态资本与少数民族特色村寨建设:作用机理与政策选择(层次) 贵州民族研究 2018 李杰
146 绿色农业发展中的农户意愿及其行为影响因素研究——基于浙江丽水市农户调查数据的实证 江西财经大学学报 2018 潘世磊
147 农业供给侧结构性改革与财政支农能促进农民增收吗?——基于空间模型的实证研究 经济问题探索 2018 潘世磊
148 Should China support the development of biomass power generation? ENERGY 2018 贺家欣
149 Smallholder preferences and willingness-to-pay measures for microcredit: Evidence from Sichuan province in China China Agricultural Economic Review 2018 丁昭
150 健康冲击、社会资本与农户经济脆弱性—基于“CHIP2013”数据的实证分析 南方经济 2018 李后建
151 改革开放四十年中国农地制度变迁的成就、逻辑与方向 农村经济 2018 蒋远胜
152 种粮合作社的适度经营规模研究 中国土地科学 2018 申云
153 精准脱贫与乡村振兴的内在逻辑及有机衔接路径研究 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2018 庄天慧
154 父辈禀赋对新生代农民工相对贫困的影响及其异质性 农村经济 2018 庄天慧
155 Landslides and Cropland Abandonment in China’sMountainous Areas: Spatial Distribution, Empirical Analysis and Policy Implications sustainability 2018 邓鑫
156 Labor Off-Farm Employment and Cropland Abandonment in Rural China: Spatial Distribution and Empirical Analysis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2018 邓鑫
157 Acculturation of Rural Households Participating in a Clean Development Mechanism Forest Carbon Sequestration Program Journal of Forest Economics 2018 曾维忠
158 人力资本结构多样性对企业创新的影响研究 科学学研究 2018 李后建
159 官员更替、银行授信与企业研发投入 科研管理 2018 李后建
160 产业集聚对四川制造业国际竞争力的影响研究 云南财经大学学报 2018 沈倩岭
161 信用风险、房价与宏观经济波动 暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) 2018 郑勇
162 政府质量、财务透明与企业融资约束—基于中国制造业企业问卷调查数据的分析 商业研究 2018 李后建
163 国际质量标准认证对制造企业创新的影响研究 研究与发展管理 2018 李后建
164 最低工资上调会激励企业应用信息技术吗? 中国经济问题 2018 李后建
165 繁文缛节与企业腐败 南开经济研究 2018 李后建
166 乡村振兴战略的指标体系构建与实证分析 财经科学 2018 申云
167 发展村社型合作金融组织推动乡村振兴 农村经济 2018 蒋远胜
168 农业全要素生产率测度及收敛性分析 农村经济 2018 张海霞
169 农业信贷、农村劳动力转移与农民工资收入 农村经济 2018 沈倩岭
170 金融市场竞争、公司治理机制与中国民营企业成长:跨层次模型 云南财经大学学报 2018 沈倩岭
171 中国对外援助能够促进受援国的经济增长吗? 中国经济问题 2018 朱丹丹
172 农户土地承包经营权抵押贷款意愿及影响因素分析 农村经济 2018 杨锦秀
173 直接融资、空间溢出与农业现代化——基于省际数据的实证分析 吉首大学学报(社会科学版) 2018 宋坤
174 最低工资标准如何影响企业雇佣结构 产业经济研究 2018 李后建
175 Research on effectiveness of financial poverty alleviation in Yi region of Sichuan province IWASS 2018 宋坤
176 P2P 网贷利率与传统金融市场利率的联动效应研究 金融经济学研究 2018 杨文华
177 政府推动背景下森林碳汇农户参与的制约因素分析 资源科学 2018 曾维忠
178 Acculturation of Rural Households Participating in a Clean Development Mechanism Forest Carbon Sequestration Program Journal of Forest Economics 2018 曾维忠
179 Determinants of Credit Constraints: Evidence from Sindh, Pakistan Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2018 蒋远胜
180 市场竞争对农村商业银行经营绩效的影响* ———以浙江32家农商行为例 农村经济 2018 蒋远胜
181 Determinants of City Choice of Foreign Direct Investment into China: The Role of Specialisation, Diversification and Competition Externalities Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 2018 宋涛
182 城市内部空间布局对企业TFP影响的研究 经济问题探索 2018 宋涛
183 内部地理对出口目的国选择的影响研究 国际商务 2018 宋涛
184 The impact of railway reform on corporate export: The case of China Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 2018 王聪
185 收入不平等会剥夺农民幸福感吗——基于社会资本调节效应的分析 山西财经大学学报 2019 申云
186 Does early-life famine experience impact rural land transfer? Evidence from China. Land Use Policy 2019 邓鑫
187 农业供应链金融信贷的减贫效应研究——基于不同主体领办合作社的实证比较 经济评论 2019 申云
188 Assessment of waste incineration power with considerations of subsidies and emissions in China ENERGY POLICY 2019 贺家欣
189 Prospects, obstacles and solutions of biomass power industry in China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2019 贺家欣
190 农业产业集聚与农业绿色发展:耦合度及协同效应 统计与决策 2019 申云
191 基于 PSR模型的深度贫困县脱贫进程评价—以四川省为例 长江流域资源与环境 2019 曾维忠
192 家庭负债与农户家庭贫困脆弱性 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2019 张华泉
193 我国省级房价波动与宏观调控政策配置研究 华东经济管理 2019 林桐
194 Does Tourism Promote Economic Growth in the Ethnic Areas of China? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2019 何应期
195 农民工子女随迁能够提高其教育期望吗?——来自CEPS 2013—2014年度数据的证据 南开经济研究 2019 马俊龙
196 乡村振兴背景下农业供应链金融信贷减贫机制研究——基于社员农户脱贫能力的视角 西南大学学报(社会科学版) 2019 申云
197 Does labor off-farm employment inevitably lead to land rent out? Evidence from China Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2019 邓鑫
198 城乡家庭创业与“信贷激励假说”适格性检验——基于CFPS2010~2016面板数据分析 农村经济 2019 蒋远胜
199 Heterogeneous Impacts of International Oil Price Shocks on the Stock Market – Evidence from China Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2019 刘璐
200 社会资本与农民公共品需求的非正式表达 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2019 蒋远胜
201 乡村振兴战略下的中国农村金融改革——制度变迁、现实需求与未来方向 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2019 蒋远胜
202 Does Energy-Growth and Environment Quality Matter for Agriculture Sector in Pakistan or not?An Application of Cointegration Approach Energies 2019 蒋远胜
203 精英俘获与大众俘获存在吗—来自森林碳汇扶贫的经验证据 广东财经大学学报 2019 曾维忠
204 基于农户感知的森林碳汇扶贫效应分析 南方经济 2019 曾维忠
205 大宗商品金融化程度与投资组合绩效的倒U型关系 国际金融研究 2019 刘璐
206 稳定脱贫的科学内涵、现实困境与机制重构——基于可持续生计-脆弱性-社会排斥分析框架 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2019 曾维忠
207 “双反”调查与上市公司全球价值链参与——来自美国对华“双反”调查的经验证据—来自美国对华“双反”调查的经验证据 国际金融研究 2019 王聪
208 最低工资制度对非正规就业的影响研究——来自中国省级动态面板数据的证据 财经论丛 2019 张剑
209 农业技术支持、生产行为规范性与农产品质量提升 财经论丛 2019 明辉
210 金融发展与中国上市公司产品出口(层次) 国际经贸探索 2019 王聪
211 乡村振兴战略下新型农业经营主体融资增信机制研究 农村经济 2019 申云
212 我国省级财政支出:凯恩斯还是非凯恩斯效应? 统计与决策 2019 林桐
213 Cointegration and Causality Analysis of Dynamic Linkage between Industrial Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Pakistan Sustainability 2019 蒋远胜
214 China's carbon dioxide emissions: An interprovincial comparative analysis of foreign capital and domestic capital JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2019 张宽
215 Financialization and commodity excess spillovers International Review of Economics and Finance 2019 刘璐
216 P2P网贷市场与传统金融机构风险溢出效应分析 统计与决策 2019 杨文华
217 基于Lasso-Expectile行业系统性风险测度 统计与决策 2019 杨文华
218 中国对外直接投资对非洲资源依赖国制造业发展的影响研究 经济经纬 2019 朱丹丹
219 文化差异阻碍了农业技术扩散吗?——来自方言距离与农业机械化的证据 中国经济问题 2019 邓鑫
220 Does Internet use help reduce rural cropland abandonment? Evidence from China Land use policy 2019 邓鑫
221 Household Health and Cropland Abandonment in Rural China: Theoretical Mechanism and Empirical Evidence International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2019 邓鑫
222 Examining the effects of climate change on rice production: case study of Pakistan ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019 Abbas Ali
223 Does gender inequality affect household green consumption behaviour in China? ENERGY POLICY 2019 李佳珈
224 How Does Information Disclosure Affect Bank Systemic Risk in the Presence of a Deposit Insurance System? EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 2019 杨文华
225 Empirical Insights into the Long-Run Linkage between Households Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Macro-Level Empirical Evidence from Pakistan Sustainability 2019 Abbas Ali
226 引进外资对区域创新能力的影响研究 ———基于贸易开放的新视角(层次) 软科学 2019 张宽
227 贸易开放、人力资本与自主创新能力(层次) 财贸经济 2019 张宽
228 开放包容:新中国70年贫困治理的经验和逻辑 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2019 庄天慧
229 小农生产主要特征、困境及与现代农业有机衔接路径研究——基于四川省的实证研究 农村经济 2019 庄天慧
230 基于能值与改进DEA-EBM模型的“青贮玉米+养殖”种养结合模式产出效率评估研究——以四川省“粮改饲”青贮玉米示范区为例 干旱区资源与环境 2019 彭艳玲
231 中国农村土地金融产品风险:类型、特点及其防范 农村经济 2019 杨锦秀
232 中国城镇居民金融素养的性别差异——典型事实与影响因素 中南财经政法大学学报 2019 庄天慧
233 Short and long-run impacts of climate change on agriculture: an empirical evidence from China International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managemen 2020 蒋远胜
234 Livelihood capitals on income inequality among rural households: evidence from China CIENCIA RURAL 2000 曾维忠
235 Land Registration, Adjustment Experience, and Agricultural Machinery Adoption: Empirical Analysis from Rural China Land 2000 邓鑫
236 国际大宗商品金融化如何影响中国实体经济——以工业产出为例 当代经济科学 2000 刘璐
237 人情支出会影响农业保险购买意愿吗?——来自四省藏区的经验证据 管理学刊 2000 臧敦刚
238 农社利益联结与农户信贷满足度 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2000 申云
239 农业产业集聚与农业绿色发展:效率测度及影响效应 经济经纬 2000
240 乡村振兴背景下土地流转用途规制可有效抑制“非粮化”倾向吗?——基于三方动态博弈的视角 四川师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2000 张华泉
241 An analysis of the factors influencing choice of microcredit sources and impact of participation on household income Journal of International Development 2000 丁昭
242 What can we learn from experience? An impact analysis of experience on households’ preferences for microfinance China Agricultural Economic Review 2000 丁昭
243 .贫困地区小农户农业技术采纳意愿及其异质性分析——基于“信息—动机—行为技巧”模型 贵州财经大学学报 2000 张海霞
244 Trade Impacts on Embodied Carbon Emissions--Evidence from the Bilateral Trade between China and Germany International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2000 李佳珈
245 国有股权、最低工资标准与企业员工在职培训 当代经济科学 2000 李后建
246 Assessment of Formal Credit and Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Production in Pakistan: A Time Series ARDL Modeling Approach Sustainability 2000 蒋远胜
247 Investigating the long-run interaction between electricity consumption, foreign investment, and economic progress in Pakistan: evidence from VECM approach ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2000 蒋远胜
248 The Impact of Internet Use on Income: The Case of Rural Ghana Sustainability 2000 蒋远胜
249 电子商务发展、非农就业转移与农民收入增长 贵州社会科学 2000 张海霞
250 金融知识和社会网络对民族地区减贫的影响研究 民族学刊 2000 庄天慧
251 聘用职业经理人对农民合作社互联网应用的影响研究 软科学 2000 李后建
252 The impact of corruption on on firms’ access to bank loans: evidence from China Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja 2000 李后建
253 农业技术进步、粮食安全与农民收入 农村经济 2000 杨锦秀
254 The effects of free trade agreements on regional wages in China Economic Systems 2000 宋涛
255 我国71年农村科技扶贫变迁历程及演化进路研究 科技进步与对策 2000 张华泉
256 Empirical analysis of climate change factors affecting cereal yield: evidence from Turkey ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2000 Abbas Ali
257 Dynamic relationship among agriculture-energy-forestry and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions: empirical evidence from China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2000 Abbas Ali
258 Does Social Capital Help to Reduce Farmland Abandonment? Evidence from Big Survey Data in Rural China Land 2000 邓鑫
259 The Policy of Ecological Forest Rangers (EFRs) for the Poor: Goal Positioning and Realistic Choices-Evidence from the Re-Employment Behavior of EFRs in Sichuan, China Land 2000 漆雁斌
260 基于信息质量的股价同步性与信息有效性研究 商业研究 2000 李松
261 社会网络、农户借贷规模与农业生产性投资——基于中国家庭金融调查数据库 农村经济 2000 蒋远胜
262 涉农贷款最优风险补偿机制研究 农村经济 2000 李松
263 Heterogeneous choice in the demand for agriculture credit in China: results from an in-the-field choice experiment China Agricultural Economic Review 2000 彭艳玲
264 Higher minimum wage, better labour market returns for rural migrants? Evidence from China Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja 2000 李后建
265 社会资本、农地流转与农户消费扩张 南方经济 2000 申云
266 Does outsourcing affect agricultural productivity of farmer households? Evidence from China China Agricultural Economic Review 2000 邓鑫
267 The impact of credit accessibility on rural households clean cooking energy consumption: The case of Ghana Energy Reports 2020 蒋远胜
268 Trade openness and pollutant emissions in China: the role of capital abundance and income ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2000 彭馨
269 Does bank competition spur firm innovation? Journal of Applied Economics 2000 李后建
270 The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the air quality in China: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2021 张剑
271 Does piped water improve adolescent health? Empirical evidence from rural China Review of Development Economics 2021 李后建
272 农村人口结构与金融资源配置的时空耦合水平测度及影响因素研究 宏观经济研究 2021 郭华
273 短期债务与股价特质波动 商业研究 2021 李松
274 农地经营权抵押贷款模式选择:转型与路径 财经科学 2021 宋坤
275 从背井离乡到创新创业 ———兼论互联网使用对创业的作用 重庆大学学报(社会科学版) 2021 张剑
276 互联网金融使用对农户多维减贫的影响研究 统计与信息论坛 2021 申云
277 “一带一路”背景下中国与中东欧国家农业教育合作研究 比较教育研究 2021 申云
278 新型农村社区“三社联动”治理:模式转换与创新路径 农村经济 2021 申云
279 Does Land Expropriation Experience Increase Farmers’ Farmland Value Expectations? Empirical Evidence from the People’s Republic of China Land 2021 漆雁斌
280 数字乡村建设视域下农民实践参与度评估及驱动因素研究 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2021 彭艳玲
281 税收竞争与出口产品 质量:企业迁移还是效率提升? 经济评论 2021 彭馨
282 Estimating effects of cooperative membership on farmers’ safe production behaviors: evidence from the rice sector in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 李后建
283 Addressing the effect of climate change in the framework of financial and technological development on cereal production in Pakistan JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2021 蒋远胜
284 Assessing the impacts of climatic and technological factors on rice production: Empirical evidence from Nepal TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2021 蒋远胜
285 Does Formal Credit Enhance Sugarcane Productivity? A Farm-Level Study of Sindh, Pakistan SAGE Open 2021 蒋远胜
286 Addressing the long-and short-run effects of climate change on major food crops production in Turkey ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 Abbas Ali
287 Towards long-term sustainable environment: does agriculture and renewable energy consumption matter? ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 Abbas Ali
288 Determinants of household choice of cooking energy and the effect of clean cooking energy consumption on household members’ health status: The case of rural Ghana Sustainable Production and Consumption 2021 蒋远胜
289 Increasing Ghanaian fish farms’ productivity:Does the use of the internet matter? MARINE POLICY 2021 蒋远胜
290 Internet use and farm households food and nutrition security nexus: The case of rural Ghana TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2021 蒋远胜
291 The impact of climate change coping and adaptation strategies on livestock farmers’ technical efficiency: the case of rural Ghana ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 蒋远胜
292 Family Endowment, Personal Characteristics, and Farmer’s Livelihood Differentiation — Based on an empirical study of 199 rural households in Sichuan Province Earth and Environmental Science 2021 蒋远胜
293 The Impacts of Training on Farmers’ Preparedness Behaviors of Earthquake Disaster—Evidence from Earthquake-Prone Settlements in Rural China Agriculture-Basel 2021 邓鑫
294 Effects of haze pollution on pesticide use by rice farmers: fresh evidence from rural areas of China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 郭丽丽
295 农业补贴抑制了农药施用行为吗? 农村经济 2021 庄天慧
296 农村独生子女会更倾向于创业吗 南开经济研究 2021 李后建
297 Assessing the effect of climate change and financial development on agricultural production in ASEAN-4: the role of renewable energy, institutional quality, and human capital as moderators ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 Abbas Ali
298 The economic effects of clean development mechanism afforestation and reforestation project: evidence from China International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managemen 2021 曾维忠
299 Heterogeneous Driving Factors of Carbon Emissions Embedded in China’s Export: An Application of the LASSO Model International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2021 李佳珈
300 Does Land Transfer Improve Farmers’ Quality of Life? Evidence from Rural China Land 2021 漆雁斌
301 Modeling the impact of climatic and non-climatic factors on cereal production: evidence from Indian agricultural sector ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2021 蒋远胜
302 金融资源配置水平与经济高质量发展 统计与决策 2021 郭华
303 政府主导型农地经营权抵押贷款对农户收入效应的影响——基于成都温江与崇州市对比分析 中国农业资源与区划 2021 宋坤
304 Does farmland abandonment harm agricultural productivity in hilly and mountainous areas? evidence from China Journal of Land Use Science 2021 邓鑫
305 Do Credit Constraint Affect Household’s Economic Vulnerability? Empirical Evidences from Rural China Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2021 彭艳玲
306 The Effect of Contract Farming on Green Production: Evidence from Rice Farmers in China Sustainable Production and Consumption 2021 李后建
307 中国省域经济不确定性的溢出效应研究 统计与决策 2021 林桐
308 社交平台嵌入下农产品质量安全与信任机制构建研究 农村经济 2021 杨锦秀
309 Endorsing Sustainable Enterprises Among Promising Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Study of Factor-Driven Economy and Efficiency-Driven Economy Frontiers in Psychology 2021 蒋远胜
310 How do gender disparities in entrepreneurial aspirations emerge in Pakistan An approach to mediation and multi-group analysis PLoS One 2021 蒋远胜
311 Application of Markov Model-Based IoT in Agricultural Insurance and Risk Management Mobile Information Systems 2021 蒋远胜
312 传统小农户融入大市场:电子商务采纳的收入效应——基于四川省柑橘种植户微观实证 农村经济 2021 杨锦秀
313 收入差距会提升家庭杠杆率吗——来自CFPS的经验证据 财经科学 2021 杨文华
314 安土重迁,黎民之性:儒家文化对农民外出务工的影响 当代经济科学 2021 沈倩岭
315 Energy intensity and energy-specific technological progress: A case study in Guangdong province of China RENEWABLE ENERGY 2021 郭丽丽
316 Effect of agricultural subsidies on the use of chemical fertilizer JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2021 郭丽丽
317 Do Internet Skills Increase Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Environmental Governance? Evidence from Rural China Agriculture-Basel 2021 漆雁斌
318 Does Institutional Social Insurance Cause the Abandonment of Cultivated Land? Evidence from Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 邓鑫
319 共同富裕视域下我国农村居民生活质量测度及其时空演变 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2022 申云
320 数字普惠金融与农户相对贫困脆弱性 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2022 申云
321 Study on the impact of environmental pollution on farmland abandonment ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 沈倩岭
322 Does the Policy of Ecological Forest Rangers (EFRs) for the Impoverished Populations Reduce Forest Disasters?—Empirical Evidence from China Forests 2022 漆雁斌
323 The role of global value chain participation in geographic concentration by export destinations: empirical evidence from Chinese firm-level data EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS 2022 宋涛
324 Feminization of Agriculture: Do Female Farmers Have Higher Expectations for the Value of Their Farmland?—Empirical Evidence from China Agriculture-Basel 2022 漆雁斌
325 The role of crop insurance in reducing pesticide use: Evidence from rice farmers in China JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2022 李后建
326 Green Finance, Chemical Fertilizer Use and Carbon Emissions from Agricultural Production Agriculture-Basel 2022 郭丽丽
327 Does a higher minimum wage accelerate labour division in agricultural production Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja 2021 郭丽丽
328 Does financial development mitigate the effects of climate variability on rice cultivation? Empirical evidence from agrarian economy ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 Abbas Ali
329 Climate change and food security of South Asia: fresh evidence from a policy perspective using novel empirical analysis Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 2022 Abbas Ali
330 Towards Sustainable Agriculture in China: Assessing the Robust Role of Green Public Investment Sustainability 2022 Abbas Ali
331 Impacts of livelihood assets on adaptation strategies in response to climate change: evidence from Pakistan ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2022 蒋远胜
332 Spiritual support or living support: Which alleviates solid fuel use for rural households in ethnical minority regions of China RENEWABLE ENERGY 2022 李佳珈
333 村主任受教育程度对农村居民收入的影响 华中农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2022 庄天慧
334 家庭双重挑战与中年农户土地流转——基于社会照料服务模式与质量的中介检验 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2022 庄天慧
335 Assessing the impacts of climate change on cereal production in Bangladesh evidence from ARDL modeling approach International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managemen 2022 蒋远胜
336 Does Agricultural Credit Mitigate the Effect of Climate Change on Cereal Production? Evidence from Sichuan Province, China Atmosphere 2022 蒋远胜
337 Does financial literacy inevitably lead to access to finance services? Evidence from rural Ghana CIENCIA RURAL 2022 蒋远胜
338 Sustainable maize production and climatic change inNepal robust role of climatic and non-climatic factors in the long-run and short-run ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2022 Abbas Ali
339 The Mediating Role of Access to Financial Services in the Effect of Financial Literacy on Household Income The Case of Rural Ghana SAGE Open 2022 蒋远胜
340 Does Digital Inclusive Finance Effectively Promote Agricultural Green Development?—A Case Study of China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 郭华
341 Assessing the Relationship among Land Transfer, Fertilizer Usage, and PM2.5 Pollution: Evidence from Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 郭丽丽
342 Modelling the climate change in regional crop production efficiency in Canada: based on the super-efficiency SBM model and DEA window analysis International Journal of Global Warming 2022 宋坤
343 Does Internet use improve farmers' perception of environmental pollution? Evidence from rural China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 邓鑫
344 Why do landslides impact farmland abandonment? Evidence from hilly and mountainous areas of rural China NATURAL HAZARDS 2022 邓鑫
345 Does Political Participation Influence the Waste Classification Behavior of Rural Residents? Empirical Evidence from Rural China Agriculture-Basel 2022 邓鑫
346 Factors Driving Coordinated Development of Urban Green Economy: An Empirical Evidence from the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 漆雁斌
347 Digital Economy, Agricultural Technological Progress, and Agricultural Carbon Intensity: Evidence from China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 漆雁斌
348 The Impact of Rural Population Mobility on Fertility Intention under the Comprehensive Two-Child Policy: Evidence from Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 漆雁斌
349 The green paradox puzzle: fiscal decentralisation, environmental regulation, and agricultural carbon intensity in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 漆雁斌
350 社会网络对农户借贷行为的影响——基于CFPS2010~2018数据的实证研究 农村经济 2022 张华泉
351 Modeling the Impact of Climatological Factors and Technological Revolution on Soybean Yield: Evidence from 13-Major Provinces of China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 张华泉
352 The Effects of Ecological Public Welfare Jobs on the Usage of Clean Energy by Farmers: Evidence from Tibet Areas-China Agriculture-Basel 2022 张华泉
353 The impact of R&D investment on grain crops production in China: Analyzing the role of agricultural credit and CO2 emissions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS 2022 蒋远胜
354 How Does Clean Energy Consumption Affect Women’s Health: New Insights from China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 臧敦刚
355 数字能力与农民收入——基于中国西藏民生发展调查数据 西藏大学学报(社会科学版) 2022 臧敦刚
356 Financial Support for Agriculture, Chemical Fertilizer Use, and Carbon Emissions from Agricultural Production in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 郭丽丽
357 Assessing the relationship between air pollution, agricultural insurance, and agricultural green total factor productivity: evidence from China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 李后建
358 Dynamic Linkage between Aging, Mechanizations and Carbon Emissions from Agricultural Production International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 郭丽丽
359 The Impacts of COVID-19 on Distance Education with the Application of Traditional and Digital Appliances: Evidence from 60 Developing Countries International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 李佳珈
360 The effect of rising wages of agricultural labor on pesticide application in China ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW 2022 郭丽丽
361 Impact of Population Aging and Renewable Energy Consumption on Agricultural Green Total Factor Productivity in Rural China: Evidence from Panel VAR Approach Agriculture-Basel 2022 李后建
362 Forecasting Carbon Price in China: A Multimodel Comparison International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 李后建
363 The impact of emission trading system on clean energy consumption of enterprises: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2022 朱丹丹
364 Impact of crop insurance on cocoa farmers’ income: an empirical analysis from Ghana ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 蒋远胜
365 Residential renewable energy adoption. Does financial literacy matter? Journal of Cleaner Production 2022 蒋远胜
366 The impact of credit constraint on artisanal fishers’ technical efficiency: Stochastic frontier and instrumental variable approach Regional Studies in Marine Science 2022 蒋远胜
367 如何促进共同富裕:基于农村家庭老人照料承载力的对比研究 暨南学报(哲学社会科学版) 2022 庄天慧
368 资本禀赋、价值认知与农牧户融入现代农业生产体系行为——基于川西高原938户农牧户的调查 农村经济 2022 杨浩
369 Off-Farm Employment and Agricultural Credit Fungibility Nexus in Rural Ghana Sustainability 2022 张华泉
370 Optimal Debt and Risk Balancing Behavior of Rural Households in China: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE 2022 彭艳玲
371 Heterogeneous Preferences for Selecting Attributes of Farmland Management Right Mortgages in Rural Western China: A Demand Perspective Land 2022 彭艳玲
372 管理层权力与业绩指标选择中的机会主义行为——基于监管治理的抑制作用 软科学 2022 申云
373 Do Cooperatives Affect Groundwater Protection? Evidence from Rural China Agriculture-Basel 2022 邓鑫
374 Investigating the Impact of Grain Subsidy Policy on Farmers’ Green Production Behavior: Recent Evidence from China Agriculture-Basel 2022 潘世磊
375 The Impact of Technological Progress and Climate Change on Food Crop Production: Evidence from Sichuan—China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 张华泉
376 Does Regular Physical Activity Improve Personal Income? Empirical Evidence from China Nutrients 2022 邓鑫
377 Spatiotemporal pattern of carbon productivity and carbon offset potential in Chinese counties SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2022 漆雁斌
378 The role of climatic changes and financial development to the ASEAN agricultural output: a novel long-run evidence for sustainable production ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 Abbas Ali
379 Towards sustainable food production: What role ICT and technological development can play for cereal production in Asian–7 countries? COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 2022 Abbas Ali
380 Measuring the Effects of Climate Change on Wheat Production: Evidence from Northern China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 张华泉
381 Household income improvement among Ghanaian livestock farmers: Does climate change adaptation strategies matter? Environmental Development 2022 蒋远胜
382 Assessing fish farm economic performance and access to financial services nexus: Empirical evidence from Ghana AQUACULTURE ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT 2022 蒋远胜
383 Access to Financial Services and Its Impact on Household Income: Evidence from Rural Ghana European Journal of Development Research 2022 蒋远胜
384 Investment Risk Analysis for Green and Sustainable Planning of Rural Family: A Case Study of Tibetan Region Sustainability 2022 刘艳
385 How Do Cooperatives Alleviate Poverty of Farmers? Evidence from Rural China Land 2022 申云
386 县域农村产业融合发展与城乡收入差距变迁 西南大学学报(社会科学版) 2022 申云
387 Economic and Agricultural Impacts of Building a Dam—Evidence from Natural Experience of the Three-Gorges Dam Agriculture-Basel 2022 李佳珈
388 Impact of clean energy use on the subjective health of household members: Empirical evidence from rural China ENERGY 2022 邓鑫
389 Does Digital Finance Increase Relatively Large-Scale Farmers’ Agricultural Income through the Allocation of Production Factors? Evidence from China Agriculture-Basel 2022 宋坤
390 Effects of Intergenerational Care Behavior on Residents’ Nutrition Intake—Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Rural China Survey 2010–2014 Foods 2022 张华泉
391 How Does the Heterogeneity of Family Structure Affect the Area of Land Transferred Out in the Context of Rural Revitalization?—Experience from CHIP 2013 Land 2022 张华泉
392 Dynamic linkages among oil price, green bond, carbon market and low-carbon footprint company stock price: Evidence from the TVP-VAR model Energy Reports 2022 李后建
393 Game analysis on the quality and safety control of pork supply chain – The case study of China Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika 2022 杨锦秀
394 Dynamic Linkages among Climate Change, Mechanization and Agricultural Carbon Emissions in Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 郭丽丽
395 共同富裕进程中的农村相对贫困治理 改革 2022 张海霞
396 Research on the Impact of Digital Literacy on Farmer Households’ Green Cooking Energy Consumption: Evidence from Rural China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 张海霞
397 聘用职业经理人有助于农民合作社创新吗? 科研管理 2022 李后建
398 The Relationship between Environmental Regulation, Green-Technology Innovation and Green Total-Factor Productivity—Evidence from 279 Cities in China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 林桐
399 The Relationship between Land Transfer and Agricultural Green Production: A Collaborative Test Based on Theory and Data Agriculture-Basel 2022 臧敦刚
400 结构的力量:人力资本升级、制度环境与区域创新能力(层次) 当代经济科学 2022 张宽
401 土地流转对中老年农民福利影响研究——来自CHARLS2018年数据的证据 农村经济 2022 马俊龙
402 “精英治社”会导致农贷“精英俘获”吗 财经科学 2022 申云
403 Why we hide good deeds? The selfless and anonymous donation behavior in crowdfunding TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2022 方兴
404 Knowledge Mapping and Institutional Prospects on Circular Carbon Economy Based on Scientometric Analysis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 李后建
405 How does land renting-in affect chemical fertilizer use? The mediating role of land scale and land fragmentation Journal of Cleaner Production 2022 李后建
406 Gift giving results in energy-poverty suffering: A new explanation of the nonincome poor traps in hidden energy poverty in China ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 2022 李佳珈
407 Assessing the effect of the coal to gas program on air pollution: evidence from China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 李后建
408 How does risk perception of the COVID-19 pandemic affect the consumption behavior of green food? ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2022 李后建
409 Clean Household Energy Consumption and Residents’ Well-Being: Empirical Analysis and Mechanism Test International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2022 臧敦刚
410 Research on the Relationship between Agricultural Carbon Emission Intensity, Agricultural Economic Development and Agricultural Trade in China Sustainability 2022 臧敦刚
411 The impact of phone use on energy poverty: Evidence from Tibet, China Energy for Sustainable Development 2022 臧敦刚
412 FinHGNN: A conditional heterogeneous graph learning to address relational attributes for stock predictions INFORMATION SCIENCES 2022 谭晶桦
413 Anomaly detection in Internet of medical Things with Blockchain from the perspective of deep neural network INFORMATION SCIENCES 2022 谭晶桦
414 The Impact of Low-Carbon Pilot City Policy on Corporate Green Technology Innovation in a Sustainable Development Context—Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies Sustainability 2022 谭晶桦
415 Does attending in social pension program promotes household energy transition? Evidence from ethnical minority regions of rural China Energy for Sustainable Development 2022 李后建
416 Predicting Stock Market Volatility from Candlestick Charts: A Multiple Attention Mechanism Graph Neural Network Approach MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2022 谭晶桦
417 Effect of social media rumors on stock market volatility: A case of data mining in China Frontiers in Physics 2022 谭晶桦
418 认知视角下家庭农场亲环境生产行为意愿形成机制研究——来自四川的微观经验证据 经济体制改革 2022 庄天慧
419 土地流转对农户增收效应的影响——基于CHFS数据实证分析 江苏农业学报 2022 蒋远胜
420 The impact of environmental supervision on firms’ energy efficiency: evidence from the Environmental Protection Admonishing Talk policy in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2022 朱丹丹
421 Farm Risks, Livelihood Asset Allocation, and Adaptation Practices in Response to Climate Change: A Cross-Country Analysis Frontiers in Environmental Science 2023 张华泉
422 重大突发公共事件下投资者情绪和货币政策对中国农产品价格的传导效应——以新冠肺炎疫情为例 当代经济科学 2023 刘璐
423 数字经济、要素流动与城乡融合发展 统计与决策 2023 沈倩岭
424 The Impact of Green Finance on China’s Agricultural Trade Sustainability 2023 沈倩岭
425 金融发展如何影响区域创新质量?——来自中国对外贸易的解释(层次) 国际金融研究 2019 张宽
426 The relationship between Financial Literacy and Income Structure of Rural Farm Households: Evidence from Jiangsu, China Agriculture-Basel 2023 徐慧丹
427 Impact of Agricultural Mechanization Level on Farmers’ Health Status in Western China: Analysis Based on CHARLS Data International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2023 张华泉
428 长江经济带数字经济发展与粮食安全能力的时空演变及影响分析 农村经济 2023 漆雁斌
429 政府创新偏好与区域创新能力: 如愿以偿还是事与愿违?(层次) 财政研究 2000 张宽
430 贸易开放提升了中国城市创新能力吗? ——来自产业结构转型升级的解释(层次) 研究与发展管理 2000 张宽
431 Can digital finance promote individuals’ charitable giving? Empirical evidence from China COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR 2023 方兴
432 Assessing Financial Literacy and Farmland Abandonment Relationship in Ghana Agriculture-Basel 2023 蒋远胜
433 Can the use of the internet improve fish farmers’ financial performance? Evidence from Ghana MARINE POLICY 2023 蒋远胜
434 A Multimodal Event-Driven LSTM Model for Stock Prediction Using Online News IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING 2021 谭晶桦
435 Estimating and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in West Africa: does threshold matter? ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2023 李冬梅
436 Empirical impact of financial service access on farmers income in Ghana CIENCIA RURAL 2023 蒋远胜
437 The Relationship between Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases of Fish Farm Household Members and Production Efficiency: The Case of Ghana International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2023 丁昭
438 Examining the impacts of technological advancement on cereal production in ASEAN countries: Does information and communication technology matter? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY 2023 蒋远胜
439 Towards sustainable agriculture in SAARC countries: exploring the long-run impact of GHG emissions on agricultural productivity International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 2023 Abbas Ali
440 经济政策不确定性对农产品价格的非对称性影响 统计与决策 2023 林桐
441 A Study on the Impact of Ideological and Political Education of Ecological Civilization on College Students’ Willingness to Act Pro-Environment: Evidence from China International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healt 2023 刘思麟
442 When cooking meets confucianism: Exploring the role of traditional culture in cooking energy poverty Energy Research & Social Science 2023 李后建
443 Improving agricultural green total factor productivity in China: do environmental governance and green low-carbon policies matter? ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2023 李后建
444 Forecasting the realized volatility of Energy Stock Market: A multimodel comparison North American Journal of Economics and Finance 2023 李后建
445 Dynamic relationship among climate policy uncertainty, oil price and renewable energy consumption—findings from TVP-SV-VAR approach RENEWABLE ENERGY 2023 李后建
446 Do green bonds and economic policy uncertainty matter for carbon price? New insights from a TVP-VAR framework International Review of Financial Analysis 2023 李后建
447 Essential tensor learning for multimodal information-driven stock movement prediction KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 2023 谭晶桦
448 教育经历、社会资本质量与农村收入不平等 统计与决策 2023 庄天慧
449 风险态度与乡村创业——基于三种风险偏好测度法的比较 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2023 蒋远胜
450 涉农信贷、农业保险与农村居民收入增长——基于资本流动视角的实证检验 财经理论与实践 2023 蒋远胜
451 Does Farmland Tenancy Improve Household Asset Allocation? Evidence from Rural China land 2023 蒋远胜
452 股价波动对企业研发投入的影响研究 湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2023 李松
453 Study on the Impact of Air Pollution on Agricultural Export Trade Sustainability 2023 蒋远胜
454 Farmers’ adoption of digital technology and agricultural entrepreneurial willingness: Evidence from China TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY 2023 臧敦刚
455 Financial decision-making behaviors of Ethnic Tibetan Households based on mental accounting Financial Innovation 2023 臧敦刚
456 巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴衔接质效评价与优化路径——以四川省50个乡村振兴重点帮扶县为例 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版) 2023 杨浩
457 Can land circulation improve the health of middle-aged and Older Farmers in China? Land 2023 马俊龙
458 Do Farm Subsidies Effectively Increase Grain Production?Evidence from Major Grain-Producing Regions of China Foods 2023 刘艳
459 Examining how internet use and non-farm employment affect rural households’ income gap? Evidence from China Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2023 刘艳
460 How does minimum wage affect firm pollution discharges: Evidence from China Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 李后建
461 Environmental regulation and agricultural green productivity growth in China: A retest based on ‘Porter Hypothesis’ ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 2023 彭馨
462 Does environmental pollution liability insurance promote environmental performance? Firm-level evidence from quasi-natural experiment in China ENERGY ECONOMICS 2023 朱丹丹
463 Law Reinforcement, Production Pattern and Enterprise Environmental Performance: Evidence from Environmental Courts in China Sustainability 2023 朱丹丹
464 Reducing the carbon emission from agricultural production in China: do land transfer and urbanization matter? ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2023 郭丽丽
465 Identifying the role of green ffnancial development played in carbon intensity: Evidence from China Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 郭丽丽
466 The Impact of the Digital Economy on Carbon Emissions from Cultivated Land Use Land 2023 李杰
467 Impact of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on Agricultural Products Prices: A Case Study of Chengdu Agriculture-Basel 2022 屈改柳
468 Do low-income households inevitably benefit more from microfinance participation? Evidence from rural China Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 2023 丁昭
469 乡村全面振兴背景下谁来治村 农村经济 2023 杨锦秀
470 数字普惠金融助力乡村产业融合发展的共富效应及空间分异 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2023 申云
471 脱贫地区农户生计转型是否具有生态环境溢出效应?——基于碳排放视角的微观验证 农村经济 2023 杨浩
472 The dynamic linkages among crude oil price, climate change and carbon price in China Energy Strategy Reviews 2023 李后建
473 Assessing the effects of internet technology use on rural households' cooking energy consumption: Evidence from China, Energy 2023 张华泉
474 Does internet use drive rural household savings? Evidence from 7825 farmer households in rural China Finance Research Letters 2023 邓鑫
475 Digital literacy and farmers’ entrepreneurial behavior—Empirical analysis based on CHFS2019 micro data PLoS One 2023 沈倩岭
476 Assessing financial literacy and food and nutritional security relationship in an African country Heliyon 2023 蒋远胜
477 Trade liberalisation, imperfect pass-through and cost of living: evidence from Chinese cities Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja 2022 宋涛
478 发展战略、内生契约制度与长期经济增长 商业经济与管理 2023 朱丹丹
479 Can Rural Industrial Integration Alleviate Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution? Evidence from Rural China Agriculture-Basel 2023 杨浩
480 The impacts of farmer ageing on farmland ecological restoration technology adoption: Empirical evidence from rural China Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 邓鑫
481 Housing prices and green innovation: evidence from Chinese enterprises MANAGEMENT DECISION 2023 方兴
482 Power transitions and pollution reduction: Decoding the impact of municipal leadership changes on firm-level pollution in China Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 郭丽丽
483 Do female cadres improve clean energy accessibility in villages? Evidence from rural China Energy Economics 2023 李后建
484 Exploring the role of fintech development in reducing firm pollution discharges: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms Journal of Cleaner Production 2023 郭丽丽
485 Extreme risk spillover effect and dynamic linkages between uncertainty and commodity markets: A comparison between China and America Resources Policy 2023 李后建
486 Forecasting crude oil futures price using machine learning methods: Evidence from China Energy Economics 2023 郭丽丽
487 Extreme risk dependence and time-varying spillover between crude oil, commodity market and inflation in China Energy Economics 2023 李后建
488 Impact of digital transformation on agricultural ecological efficiency: empirical findings from China ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2023 刘艳
489 The Impact of Digital Financial Inclusion on Green and Low-Carbon Agricultural Development Agriculture-Basel 2023 刘艳
490 Do disclosure of ESG information policies inhibit the value of heavily polluting Enterprises?—Evidence from China Heliyon 2023 刘艳
491 数字经济下农业生产率悖论与破解之道研究——基于CLDS小农户数据的经验考察 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2023 庄天慧
492 Competition and price dispersion: evidence from airline and high-speed rail competition in China INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE 2023 韦锋
493 要素市场扭曲与农村信息不平等 统计与决策 2023 庄天慧
494 农业转移人口市民化与财产性收入——基于新型城镇化与共同富裕交汇处的微观映射 农村经济 2023 庄天慧
495 Investigating the nonlinear efects of climate change on agricultural green total factor productivity: findings from the PSTR approach ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2023 李后建
496 农村彩礼存在“后端”代际剥削吗?——基于代际互动视角的实证分析 人口与发展 2023 庄天慧
497 External Factors Facilitating Quality Certification of Agricultural Products in China: Insights from Cooperatives in the Sichuan Province Agriculture-Basel 2023 杨锦秀
498 What role do international remittance inflows play in boosting agricultural productivity? Empirical analysis of emerging Asian economies International Journal of Emerging Markets 2023 蒋远胜
499 农地确权促进了中国农村家庭的财富积累吗?基于CRHPS的实证研究 农村经济 2023 蒋远胜
500 Modelling the impact of climate change and advanced agricultural technologies on grain output Recent evidence from China ECOLOGICAL MODELLING 2023 Abbas Ali
501 Modeling the climate change impacts on major fruits production: Recent evidence from Pakistan SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 2023 Abbas Ali
502 Mitigation pathways towards climate change Modelling the impact of climatological factors on wheat production in top six regions of China ECOLOGICAL MODELLING 2023 蒋远胜
503 Exploring the energy-climate-agriculture (ECA) nexus a roadmap toward agricultural sustainability in Asian countries ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2023 蒋远胜
504 Does rural financial development facilitate food production Evidence from major wheat producing provinces of China Cogent Food & Agriculture 2023 蒋远胜
505 Does internet technology usage improve food production Recent evidence from major rice-producing provinces of China COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE 2023 蒋远胜
506 数字经济能激发农村家庭消费活力吗? 经济管理 2023 严雨
507 Environmental decentralisation, environmental regulation, and agricultural carbon intensity: an empirical study based on Chinese provincial panel data ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2023 漆雁斌
508 Influence of Consumption Decisions of Rural Residents in the Context of Rapid Urbanization Evidence from Sichuan, China Sustainability 2023 漆雁斌
509 Can the Integration of Rural Industries Help Strengthen China’s Agricultural Economic Resilience? Agriculture-Basel 2023 沈倩岭
510 Pollution reduction by rationalization hypothesis and water pollution in China Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 2024 宋涛
511 Can Agricultural Insurance Policy Adjustments Promote a ‘Grain-Oriented’ Planting Structure?: Measurement Based on the Expansion of the High-Level Agricultural Insurance in China Agriculture-Basel 2024 徐斌
512 数字资本主义时代的资本形态变化及其循环过程研究 当代财经 2024 张昕蔚
513 Can Digital Finance Promote Rice Production? Evidence from Sichuan Province, China Agriculture-Basel 2024 刘艳
514 How do agricultural subsidies affect farmers' non-grain cultivated land production? Evidence from the fourth rural Chinese households panel data survey Economia Politica 2024 潘世磊
515 How to reduce firm pollution discharges: Does political leaders' gender matter? TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2024 李后建
516 The impact and channel effects of Yangtze River’s great protection strategy on carbon emissions quasi-experimental evidence from China ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY 2024 漆雁斌
517 Fiscal decentralization, leader localization, and reduction of pollution and carbon emissions—empirical evidence from China's fiscal “province-managing-county” reform Journal of Environmental Management 2024 漆雁斌
518 Impacts of alcohol consumption on farmers’ mental health: Insights from rural China Heliyon 2024 邓鑫
519 Self-Employed Versus Paid-Employed: What are the Different Preferences for Microfinance? Experimental Evidence From Rural China SAGE Open 2024 丁昭
520 县域富民产业促进农民共同富裕:作用机理、现实困境与策略选择 改革 2024 庄天慧
521 数字普惠金融赋能现代农业强县建设:理论与实证 财经论丛 2024 申云
522 Digital agricultural technology services and farmers’ willingness to choose digital production technology in Sichuan province,China Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2024 张海霞
523 Sustainable growth unveiled: exploring the nexus of green finance and high-quality economic development in China Frontiers in Environmental Science 2024 丁昭
524 金融科技与企业结构性去杠杆 西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2024 刘艳
525 Does capital marketization promote better rural industrial integration: evidence from China Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2024 丁昭
526 成员管理参与、治理水平与合作社绩效提升——基于292家农民专业合作社的实证分析 农村经济 2024 漆雁斌
527 财政“省直管县”改革对“经济-粮食”空间偏差的影响 当代财经 2024 漆雁斌
528 Evaluation of Cropland Utilization Eco-Efficiency and Influencing Factors in Primary Grain-Producing Regions of China Agriculture-Basel 2024 漆雁斌
529 Exploring the asymmetric influence of economic policy uncertainty on the nonlinear relationship between exchange rate and carbon prices in China North American Journal of Economics and Finance 2024 李后建
530 中国碳金融、绿色信贷与绿色保险关联性研究——基于绿色金融体系内部协调性的视角 财经论丛 2024 刘璐
531 线上社会资本对参与农业产业链农户融资绩效的影响 华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2024 宋坤
532 Unveiling the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Driving Mechanism of Rural Industrial Integration Development: A Case of Chengdu–Chongqing Economic Circle, China Agriculture-Basel 2024 申云
533 Climate change and crop production nexus: assessing the role of technological development for sustainable agriculture in Vietnam International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Managemen 2024 张华泉
534 Blockchain applications and supply chain performance: evidence from Chinese firms TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 2024 方兴
535 The Impact of Risk Aversion and Migrant Work Experience on Farmers’ Entrepreneurship Evidence from China Agriculture-Basel 2024 蒋远胜
536 数字赋能何以提升返乡入乡人员的创业质量 农村经济 2024 杨锦秀
537 Road to sustainable development of China: The pursuit of coordinated development between carbon emissions and the green economy Journal of Cleaner Production 2024 郭丽丽
538 Does family care promote clean cooking energy choices for older persons Energy for Sustainable Development 2024 杨浩
539 Does raising the minimum wage matter to firms’ energy transition? Journal of Cleaner Production 2024 郭丽丽
540 Hidden environmental costs of economic ambitions: An empirical study of pollution emissions in the wake of growth targets Journal of Cleaner Production 2024 郭丽丽
541 Can climate risk exposure compel companies to undergo a green transformation? Journal of Cleaner Production 2024 方兴
542 Revitalizing green progress: Assessing corporate environmental performance in the wake of Yangtze River Major Conservation initiatives Journal of Cleaner Production 2024 张剑
543 Asset pricing via fused deep learning with visual clues Information Fusion 2024 谭晶桦
544 Do Clean Toilets Help Improve Farmers’ Mental Health? Empirical Evidence from China’s Rural Toilet Revolution Agriculture-Basel 2024 邓鑫
545 Can crowdfunding creators learn from previous experiences to have a better future financing performance? JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING 2024 方兴
546 Nexus between farmland transfer, agricultural loans, and grain production:empirical evidence from China Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2024 丁昭
547 A multiscale time-series decomposition learning for crude oil price forecasting Energy Economics 2024 谭晶桦

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